Gifts from the Fire: The Porcelains by Brother Thomas
Gifts from the Fire: The Porcelains by Brother Thomas
Essays by Joan Chittister and Pamela Fletcher
Images of a breathtaking array of shapes and glazes mastered by ceramic artist Brother Thomas are included in this book, alongside details which demonstrate both the monumental splendor and fine workmanship of each work. An informative glossary on the production and history of many glazes is also included. Thomas's essay, "Practice Music, Socrates," expounds on the intuitive and shared strength of art and beauty, especially in our rational and scientific society.
Published by Pucker Art Publications, Boston, MA, 1993
Slip-cased hardcover, 11 x 9"
120 pages with full color images
ISBN: 0-9635318-0-8
Price: $40.00 + $10.00 shipping