Shinsaku Hamada
Represented by Pucker Gallery since 2008
BORN: 1929 in Tokyo, Japan
DIED: 2023 in Moka, Japan
Shinsaku Hamada was born in 1929 in Tokyo, Japan as the second son of Shoji Hamada. A year later, the Hamada family moved to Mashiko in Tochigi Prefecture. Hamada studied industrial art at Waseda University in Tokyo and thereafter traveled with his father to assist him during demonstrations and lectures. The first Shinsaku Hamada solo exhibition was held at the Mitsukoshi Department Store in 1970. He had numerous landmark exhibitions there, including a 2009 show to celebrate his 80th birthday. In 1978, Hamada became a Kokugakai National Art Association member and was named Director of the Mashiko Sankokan Museum. In 1999, he received the 27th Shimono Citizens Award. Hamada’s work is included in the collections of the Prefectural Governor’s residence and the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Hamada exhibited internationally and worked alongside his son, Tomoo Hamada, in the original compound built by his father. Shinsaku Hamada died on July 16, 2023 near Mashiko, Japan.